Sunday, March 13, 2016

How to Convert Windows XP SP2 to SP3 without any set up program!!!!! In these days the technology is grooming highly and with in a short span of time. In the advancement of Technology we need to have some updated softwares or games that can provide the modern outcome. Like me, I purchased a game last Sunday, and I was very exited to play. When I entered the CD into the CDROM, suddenly it requires windows SP3 installed to run. That was very frustrated thing for me, and I was feeling very angry because I didn’t have any SP3 CD. But I decided to overcome this problem to you guys because invention is my hobby, So I am going to tell you how you can change your SP2 pack into SP3 for your convenience. If there is a version of windows xp SP2 is installed in your computer system, You do not need to worry to change it.

These are the steps to overcome this problem: ~
go to start---->Run--> type the word Regedit ~ Your windows Registry Editor will open, ~
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ CurrentControlSet\ Control\ Windows ~
Then please modify “CSDVersion” from “0×00000200” (SP2) to the Windows XP SP3 value of “0×00000300” and then reboot your system.

Now your Window has been upgraded to SP3 and you will be able to installed various advance softwares.


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